Day 37

We student teachers were extremely busy on this day because there was a ton of paperwork to complete. In order to reduce my workload, I decided to check the exams with the students. This way, I wouldn't have to worry about checking their exams, and I could easily encode all of their grades. As I encoded all of their quizzes and performances, I noticed that many of the students had low grades, so as their teacher, I decided to give them a task to help raise their grades. .And to those students who received a high grade, they truly deserved it because all of their quizzes and performances were excellent, which makes me happy as their teacher. I told them that I only encode all of the quizzes, exams, and so on, but they are the ones who make their grades.Today, I feel tiredness and pressure because tomorrow is our diagnostic test exam, but I always remind myself that I can do anything and answer tomorrow.

